Lev Landau is a genius and a domestic tyrant. Lev Landau

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Ermogenes (Golubev), archbishop
. Born on March 3, 1896 in the city of Kyiv, in the family of a professor at the Kyiv Theological Academy and...
2024-02-23 00:00:33
Founding of Constantinople - briefly
Before answering the question: “What is Constantinople called now?”, you should know how...
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Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Marina
Saint Marina was born in Antioch of Pisidia (in Asia Minor, now Turkey). Her father...
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What should an Orthodox Christian pray for in front of the icon of Saint Cyrus?
In the previous issue, the topic of teaching was touched upon, for several saints, whose faces we...
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The Mystery of Saint Kuksha
In 1913, celebrations dedicated to the 800th anniversary of martyrdom were held in the Oryol province...
2024-02-23 00:00:33